Custom Recruiting Events

We will deliver a fully customized hiring event with a high volume of top-tier, diverse technologists. Our events can range in size, scope, and complexity depending on a company’s hiring needs and timeline.

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Trusted Partners from Private Events

Success Stories - A Different Way to Attract Talent

Highlighted below are a few of our most recent hiring events.


San Jose, CA



Bethesda, MD



Irvine, CA



Alameda, CA



New York, NY


United Airlines

Chicago, IL


Swish Analytics




New York, NY


What our clients say

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What’s Included

Our events can be curated to meet your specific needs, so below is just a sampling of what can be included at your next hiring event.

Our Talent Community is Our Differentiator

We’ve built an expansive network of women technologists throughout North America via our in-person conferences, virtual events, job board, and membership platform.  Our community of over 180,000+ is comprised of mainly software and data engineers with over 5 years of experience. 

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Our Talent Community

Race and Ethnicity

Over 65% of our private event candidates identify as an underrepresented ethnicity.

1 Race and Ethnicity 1

Years of Experience

80% of our private event candidates have 5 or more years of experience.

2 Years of Exp 1

Education Degrees

50% of our private event candidates have pursued education beyond undergrad.

3 Degree 1